magic awaits you…
From Astrology, Tarot, Runes, over Reiki and Attunements, to Timeline Healing and ThetaHealingTM
I bid ye, cosmic traveller, a warm welcome and invite you to discover miracles within and all around yourself!

Is a divine practice of divination based on the energies of the planets and stars. The legend says that the humans were taught Astrology by Azazel, one of the Watchers that observed Earth and humans for a long time before interacting with them. Read more

In need of answers? You feel confused, conflicted, obstructed?
Choose a Tarot reading, and let's get you through that rut.
Opt for a reading that best resonates with you and find your answers today. Read more
If my site was like my firstborn (Boromir vibes, anyone??), then Patreon is like my secondborn child (Faramir the gentle, Faramir the wise ^^) 😄 however, I am not Denethor II, and I do not favour one over the other, mind you. I love both of my "children" very much so and in different ways.
King of Wnds is one of the rare Minor Arcana cards that hold a similar power and importance as one of the Major Arcana.
As such, he is revered and most of the time very welcomed in a reading. But, as with any proper reading, it’s essential to see what kinds of cards (and messages) surround this fiery King, in order to grasp and tell the whole story.
I read somewhere that you go to Japan for purity and respect. I have to agree, strongly, with that! On the surface level, Japan really is the cleanest country that has a very high and meticulous hygiene-oriented culture.
The High Priestess is the DMT of the Major Arcana, and she is the great spirit that lies between Life and Death. She is the gatekeeper, and she is the keeper of sacred knowledge. She knows all about the dreams and wisdom that lies dormant (and forgotten) in human DNA.
The creator and instigator of the Major Arcana - the representative for Cardinals and elements of creation - the holder of keys and wielder of Aces - the Juggler!
Fresh blood, thirst for life, adventure and purity of Soul combined in one - yes, the Fool 0. The Alpha of the Major Arcana, the beginning of the (spiritual) journey, and the plethora of cosmic possibilities with the potential of true friendship and loyal love.
The most misunderstood and underrated card of Major Arcana.
By pondering the ‘outer’ planets, we can reach transcendental planes of existence that help us overcome the limitations of a carbon-based life form, in which our holy ghost is encapsulated in.
This Major Arcana symbolizes the feminine archetype of motherly protection, nurture, and abundance. The Empress III is tied to cattle, the feminine principle, the feminine urge to nurture and grow (things, plants, beings), as well as finding peace in nature.