About me
“Sky Above Me, Earth Below Me, Fire Within Me”
It all started when…
I was a strange child, couldn’t fit in for the life of me, suffered terrible dreams and nightly visitation from other realms, often knew what will happen before it happened, frequently received messages for others that I barely grazed with my waking eyes and I loved books. Books were my best friends, and still are to this day, if we discount few exceptional humans. Beyond what you have found and seen here, I’m a passionate gamer, devoted reader, and an occasional writer who suffers from procrastination pains. On the cold, clear winter nights I go out with my telescope and I seek wonders among the stars. My favorite part of the day is twilight, that thin line between day and night when the magic begins to strengthen. I enjoy solitude as much I love and cherish the time spent with my friends, I love long hours of the night - its cool comfort and profound insights that it bestows on its children. I love blue skies in the spring, bees, and sun’s rays that feed us. I am madly in love with trees and I cannot pass by the very old ones without hugging them. I collect snail shells, chestnuts and pine cones. My mother was of sea and in her memory I cherish sea shells that sing the songs of waves. I’m an emo-edge-lord-drama-queen on the outside and a distant astro-dreamer from a different galaxy on the inside.
Nice to meet you!
Contact me, ask questions, drop by to say hello.