
Odinn or Allfather, is the ruler of the Aesir. Odinn, Vili and Ve killed Ymir – the first Giant, and used his corpse to create the Midgard (Middle Earth – Earth); Odinn gave the first pair of humans (Ask and Embla) the breath of life and thus began the unfolding of their wyrd (destiny).

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Thor the mighty god of thunder, son of Odin and Jord. He is the archetype of a loyal and honorable warrior, the ideal toward which the average human warrior aspired. He is the defender of the Aesir and Asgard – their divine realm where they reside in their halls.

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Freyja is a member of the Vanir tribe of deities; her father is Njord, her brother is Freyr, and he husband is Odr (Odinn). Freyja is the goddess of war, magic, exquisite beauty, lust, fertility and fine material possessions.

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Loki is the son of giant Farbauti and Laufey and blood-sworn brother of Odinn. Loki is the father with the giantess Angrboða (“Anguish-Boding”), of Hel, the goddess of the underworld; Jormungandr, the great serpent who slays Thor during Ragnarok.

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Frigg is the wife of Odinn and mother to Baldr – god of light. She is said to be raised by the witches, of course being a witch (völva) herself. Frigg is a patron of mothers, and she is invoked for safe childbirth.

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Baldr the shining god beloved by all the gods, goddesses and mortals. Son of Odinn and Frigg, so fair, gracious and cheerful is he that he actually gives off light. Baldr was a warlord, he had constant eagerness to engage in battle. He was an active fighter and a proud warrior.

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Tyr is the god of war, but more than anything he is the god of law and justice. There are many kinds of evidence that show that Tyr was once one of the most important gods to the Norse and other Germanic people. Warriors used to invoke Tyr for victory in battle.

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Freyr is a Vanir god of sex, love, fertility, peace and order. He is a twin brother of Freyja and his father is Njord. He is also an honorary member of the other tribe of Norse gods – the Aesir, having arrived to Asgard as a hostage of the closing of the Aesir-Vanir War.

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Skadi is a giantess and goddess of winter. She was married to Njord. She resides in the highest reaches of the mountains where snow never melts. She’s an avid huntress, and her bow, snowshoes, and skis are her best-known possessions.

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Njord is one of the principal gods of the Vanir tribe, and is the father of Freyja and Freyr. He, too, is the honorary member of the Aesir. It is believed that Freyja’s and Freyr’s mother is Njord’s sister Nerthus, the ancient goddess Mother Earth.

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Idunn (“The Rejuvenating One”) is a goddess who belongs to the Aesir tribe. Idunn is the owner and dispenser of a fruit that imparts immortality J her presence was indispensable in Asgard.

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Sif is a goddess that has long, golden hair, she is the wife of Thor and mother of Ullr. Sif is a goddess of grain, summer solstice, rich fields and sunrays. Her energy is invoked for sunny mood, it’s great against depression and dark thoughts, and she should be honored during summer Sabbaths.

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Heimdallr is one of the Aesir gods, and ever-vigilant guardian of their realm – Asgard. His dwelling is called Himinbjörg (“Sky Cliffs”) which sits at the top of Bifrost, the rainbow bridge that leads to Asgard.

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Jörmungandr, “Midgard Serpent” is a giant serpent, and the middle child of the giantess Angrboða and Loki  that resides in the great ocean that encircles Midgard (Middle Earth, or our Earth).

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