Almuten Figuris

Final Almuten Figuris in RF style.png
Final Almuten Figuris in RF style.png

Almuten Figuris


The Almuten of the Figure is the most dignified planet in the chart.

Almuten Figuris is the strongest planet when all essential dignities are considered. The term is Arabic and derives from al-Mateen, meaning 'the firm one' or 'strong in power', but the concept exists in the works of Ptolemy and other early classical astrologers.

The method of identifying the almuten involves considering the full range of essential dignities so that rulership by sign, exaltation, triplicity, term and face is considered - not just rulership by sign. Hence Venus is said to rule the sign of Libra but Saturn is the almuten, being capable of assuming rulership by exaltation, triplicity, term and face.

Almuten Figuris is important because, through the knowledge of it, each individual gains the power to utilize the special gifts and talents, furthermore opportunities, that the Almuten of the Figure has bestowed on his natal chart, thus him.

Gaining knowledge of your Almuten Figuris opens the doors to bigger and faster manifestations, as well as manipulation of the cosmic matter all around you, as well as tapping into the ingrained power of your own natal chart to the best of its extent and your abilities.

Since the calculation of the Almuten Figuris falls under Classical Astrology, it only considers the 7 "older" planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), however, through meticulous and lengthy esoteric research, experiments and trials and error period, I've managed to come by the planetary kameas, intelligences and spirits for the 3 outermost ("new") planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, thus providing you with the opportunity to take the knowledge of your Almuten Figuris to the outermost reaches of our Solar System.

With this knowledge, you can successfully combine the gifts and influence of your Almuten with the magic squares of the 3 farthest planets, and thus reach new magical properties and revelations.

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