A Couple of Easy Witchy Ways to Protect Yourself

We all find ourselves in need of protection, or at least in need of shielding from negative people/energies/forces/emotions sometimes. So, here are a few very easy and yet very useful ways to guard yourself against foul things.

Let’s start with the easiest and most accessible (favorite of mine) – SALT

We all have salt in our home, whether it’s sea salt, or mineral salt, or Himalayan salt (or for advanced witches – black salt) – we’ve all got our hands on some salt. Salt can trap negative energies and it can keep negative energies and entities from coming close to you. If you had a very stressful day, if you feel drained, tired, or if you were in a bad company – take a (regular) shower before going to bed, and once you’ve rinsed all the bathing chemicals take a handful of salt and rub your whole body with it (be careful not to get it in your eyes!), but don’t let it linger on you for too long (and avoid any wounded or raw areas on your body!) and then just rinse (thoroughly) with cold or lukewarm water ^v^ You can also cast a circle of salt around your bed for sound sleep, or you can pour an interrupted line of salt on your windowsills and doorways, but make sure to clean it regularly, and don’t pour it on the soil because salt kills plants and vegetables. 

Next, we have AMETHYST

This majestic crystal that comes in all shades of purple has the capacity to protect its wearer, a home where it’s placed, or any other place where it resides. Although it doesn’t have the same range of functionality as quarts, even a small piece can provide a certain amount of protection to you, and a 125cm2 piece can protect most homes. You can put a (clean) piece of amethyst in your glass of water overnight and drink the elixir in the morning for lingering protection throughout the day.

Then we have CHARCOAL

Yes, you’ve read it right – charcoal. You can easily get it in any school/art-supplies shop, and in order to avoid getting its stains on your clothes, you can wrap it in a paper towel or a handkerchief and carry it in your pocket for the protection against the evil eye, curses, negative spirits, and psychic attacks. If you’re struggling with recurring nightmares and unwanted nightly visitations from other realms, you should put three pieces of charcoal on a white plate under your bed. You should also wash the charcoal pieces under cold running water for two minutes after every use.

And finally, we come to the protective SYMBOLS

The Pentacle in a circle, Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer), the Triquetra, Gungnir (Odin’s Spear) and other sacred and protective symbols can be very useful in protection even if you haven’t charged them in a magical ritual. If you charged them with your intent, magic, and energies – then all the better! But your faith in the symbol(s) of your choice is also considered ‘a charge’, so as long as you believe in the symbol you’re wearing, you’re somewhat protected against lesser evil. A tip: you can gather five Rowan tree twigs, bind them with a red string into the form of a Pentacle and hang it outside your house door while chanting nine times “Rowan twigs and strings of red, deflect all harm, gossip, and dread!”

Stay safe, stay protected and

good luck and bright blessings to you all!