About Vulcan Reiki

A little more than a year before I'll channel Vulcan Reiki, I began dreaming about lava and erupting volcanoes. Ever since I remember, my dreams have been 'otherworldly', and they often foretold about future events. And so it came to be with these "erupting" dreams.

It's interesting that I never felt fear, anxiety, or hurriedness in these volcano eruption dreams, no matter how close hot lava came to me, I always felt exhilarated, excited, and hopeful. In one of the dreams, I remember even trying to push my hand into the orange-like-boiling-blood lava and feeling absolutely ecstatic about it.

I fully channeled Vulcan Reiki after I first got over the Crown sickness, back in January 2020. At the time I was employed by a Chinese company, thus I was fully aware of the outbreak quite some time before it became public knowledge. I was aware of the inevitability of the contagion, and I prepared for it.

What I wasn't prepared for, was the sky-high fever that broke me the first time I got the Crown. My fever fluctuated between 42°C and 43°C for 4 nights and 5 days. I couldn't remember feeling so broken and weak before in my life. I didn't have any appetite during those 4-5 days, and I was losing liquid as I was sweating like a dead man running a marathon for his life. I had shakes that were so violent that my body was in a continuous spasm for hours, even though I was buried deep beneath a quilt and 3 fat blankets.

The only thing I drank for the illness was a kid's cough syrup to calm the coughing (which hurt like broken ribs), and aspirin. Our government didn't announce the outbreak at that time, and yet the hospitals were full, and I felt so broken and weak that it made more sense to me to stay at home and storm it through, or at least die in my own bed, for that was the first time in this life that I felt like I was dying, especially when the fever was peaking at 43°C.

I was always prone to high fevers and purification via 'fire', it was only much later that I realized that those (extremely) high fevers, although being a side effect of the Crown, were actually the 'purification' of my body so that I could channel the Vulcan Reiki.

Although the healing energy itself comes from a place very similar to Muspelheim, when I channeled it, I felt extremely cool, whereas other people report massive heat at the places where the healing is taking place within or on their bodies.

Vulcan Reiki is purifying energy first and healing second; in the times long past they used to burn people at the stake for the belief that the fire will cleanse their soul of sins, and thus set it free to ascend to the higher realms.

Absolutely barbaric act, of course, but that belief that fire purifies all exists for a (good) reason. The Fire is the ultimate purifier and it can and is used to purify even the most resilient and hardest of substances.

Take gold for example - it is molten down, over and over, until it reaches such a "clean" form that it is considered to be one of the purest and most precious metals on Earth.

Vulcan Reiki works in a similar way - the frequency of magma pulsates through the healing target within or on a body, until it reaches a melting point, and it doesn't just purify from all astral larvae, entities, curses, hexes, and impurities, but it also heals and leaves a protective barrier around the healed spot, similar to how skin heals thicker once it's cut.

You can find Vulcan Reiki testimonies and feedback from my clients on the site (www.itanadovahkul.com), so I won't repeat them here, but I have to say that the most impressive (to me) feedback remains the one where my client reported a rise in his earnings in 300% after just one (but brutal) session of Vulcan Reiki.

Positive impressions, testimonials, and feedback keep leaving me in disbelief since I'm a bit of a skeptic myself, but the effects and feels that the Vulcan Reiki has and leaves after it, are simply miraculous, even to my harsh and strict criticizing inner eye.

Vulcan Reiki has proved as one of the most effective healing (and purifying) energies that can act as both a protector and road-opener, and I was nagged, nudged, and urged to share it with the rest of the world. What I finally did, so... there you have it.