Best Crystals for Manifesting

 ·        Citrine – for manifesting abundance, prosperity, or anything you desire

·        Clear Quartz – for amplifying your intentions

·        Carnelian – for manifesting physical energy, motivation, and creativity

·        Amethyst – to manifest tranquility and a spiritual connection

·        Rose Quartz – to manifest love

·        Obsidian – to manifest change

·        Pyrite – to manifest wealth and creativity

·        Hematite – for general manifestation

·        Tiger’s Eye – for manifesting courage, luck, and prosperity

·        Garnet – for manifesting vitality and strength

·        Rutilated Quartz – for fast manifestation 

·        Grey Botswana Agate – for manifesting solutions 


Today we’re going to go over some of the best crystals for manifestation. Nowadays we all wish for something and all of us have desires. As long as we’re at peace with ourselves (and thus with others) there is no harm in achieving what we want.

And in order to help us acquire our desires, these stones can be a great aid for manifestation. Manifestations sound like an easy job in theory, but in practice might prove otherwise.

Manifestation comes naturally to some, but to others, it seems like nuclear science. Either way, having a “helping hand” in the form of a manifesting stone cannot hurt. So let us start with Citrine.


Is a great crystal for the manifestation of abundance, prosperity, and joy! There is even a legend that one of the trickster gods created an object infused with the universal energy that had the power of granting wishes. The object was adorned with the Citrine stone, of course.

In ancient China, Citrine was considered a ‘wish-fulfiller’. Citrine doesn’t seem like much at first glance, but great power and strength lie in this yellowish stone. Citrine empowers your Solar Plexus chakra and helps you attain your dreams and fulfill your goals with your natural strengths.

Clear Quartz

Next on our list of crystals for manifestation we have a natural amplifier – Clear Quartz. If you combine it with most of the stones from your arsenal, you’ll get a boosted surge of manifestation energy.

If you write your desires on a piece of paper, seal it with red or yellow wax and place a Clear Quartz upon it, you can witness a boost of helping energy that can manifest in a variety of ways, that’ll help you get to the top.

Clear Quartz also makes sure that all of the other stones are cleansed, so you might want to keep it in the center of your crystal (manifestation) grid. Or if you generally play around with crystal grids, you might want to consider placing a Clear Quartz at the center and observe the amplified effects over the course of time.


One of the powerhouses amongst crystals for manifestation is, definitely, a Carnelian. Carnelian boosts your physical energy, your motivation, and your creativity. It’s an adrenaline shot for your Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras.

If you pair it up with Clear Quartz, it should act as an energy drink for your first three chakras. It can get you out of a doom and gloom slum very fast, it will provide you with backup with your creative work, and it will help you pull through some tedious tasks at work.

Sleeping with Carnelian below your pillow starting on the beneficial New Moon can do wonders for your career/art growth. If you’re writing a book, a show, or creating a choreography/play for the theater – Carnelian is your go-to stone.


Amethyst might not be a powerhouse amongst crystals for manifestation, but it definitely helps with a spiritual connection to the divine realm and tranquility. If you opt to create a crystal grid with Amethyst and Clear Quartz as your main ‘players’, you might get to experience very vivid dreams.

And if you’re dabbling into dream magic, creating a crystal grid that consists of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and Lapis Lazuli can help you a great deal to transfer your dreams into reality. This is definitely a ‘power move’ in the manifestation book.

Rose Quartz

A tale old as time – Rose Quartz jumps in to help you, manifest love. Combine Rose Quartz and Selenite to manifest self-love, kindness in your heart, and the release of vengeful thoughts that plague your soul.

Mix Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz in order to manifest more love connections and love interactions in your daily life. If you’re seeking your Twin Flame or your Soulmate, combine Rose Quartz with Lapis Lazuli; you might even pick up enlightenment and unconditional love for yourself along the way.

Combine Rose Quartz with Carnelian and/or Garnet to manifest your sexual fantasies, desires, and fetishes. Tip for writers of erotic genres: wear jewelry made from Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, and Garnet, and spray Ylang Ylang oil on your wrists.


One of the heavyweight champions among crystals for manifestation is definitely Obsidian, the lava stone. This crystal fortifies your Root and Sacral chakras, it manifests change, the power to endure, and even more – initiate change(s).

Obsidian keeps you grounded, and firm and it keeps your will strong and enduring. It grants you the power to face challenges and prevail. Wearing it on your fingers, on your 3rd Eye, and in your underwear is a great way to make the most use of it.

Of course, sleeping with it is great, too. It will keep the nightmares from exhaustion at bay, and it will feed your spirit and astral body with the extra strength that you need in your daily life. It keeps the ‘fire alive’.


Ah, yes, the “fool’s gold”, one of the favorite stones of kings and queens of old. Pyrite is truly a great crystal for the manifestation of wealth, influence, power, and abundance. Keep it on your desk, keep it in your wallet, have it on your altar, and place it in your wealth corner (Feng Shui).

Combine Pyrite with Citrine in order to manifest financial security, abundance, and overall luck in acquiring wealth. If you have a tiara you might want to wear it imbued with these two stones. If you want something more “discreet” considers cufflinks or a powerful ring.


Believe it or not, Hematite combined with Citrine, Pyrite, and Magnetite attracts wealth and steady income! Hematite is connected with iron in our blood, and iron is a powerful and strong metal.

Hematite is great for grounding, standing firm on the ground with both feet, and having the strength and endurance to achieve goals. Hematite is a good match for Capricorns and Saturn-dominant people as it gets along very well with their hardworking and (over)achieving nature.

People who lack or have challenging Saturn influence in their natal chart might consider getting them a Hematite for their arsenal because it has a great potential of helping them on their way to greatness.

Tiger’s Eye

Now, this is a stone that can manifest you a victory! Tiger’s Eye is the stone of warriors, generals, and people whose main attribute is bravery, or combative nature. Thus, naturally, it’s a magnificent crystal for people who find themselves weakened in their Solar Plexus chakra.

Tiger’s Eye combined with Pyrite and Citrine (sprinkle a little bit of Clear Quartz in there, too, for “good luck”) can manifest one great prosperity and luck. Combined with Carnelian it brings a surge of courage and “getting things done”.

Wear Tiger’s Eye as a bracelet and as rings – it will gain momentum and manifest speed as you use your hands more than any other part of your body. Of course, surrounding yourself with it on your working desk is a great option, too.


A great stone for manifesting good health, overall vitality, and strength. Garnet helps with anemia; it increases the number of red blood cells. Combine it with Carnelian to get a surge of inspiration, fast-earned money, and creativity.

If you feel tired and exhausted all the time, mix Garnet with Clear Quartz. Sleep with this combination for several days in order to feel better and stronger.

Rutilated Quartz

Similar to Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz aids the process of manifestation. Combine it with any other stone from this list in order to achieve fast results.

Rutilated Quartz has the power of amplification, so it’s only natural that it aids the process of manifestation. When used by itself you can place or whisper your desire/intention into it, and keep it close to you.

Grey Botswana Agate

This strand of Agate is great for comfort and protection; it soothes feelings of loneliness. It will help you manifest a stronger Qi, auric shield, and sturdier emotions.

Grey Botswana Agate can help you manifest solutions for seemingly lost cause problems. It supports feelings of love, positive thinking, and the strength to look for solutions rather than dwell on difficulties.