Experience has shown, time and time again, that people with Pluto in 1st house (in Scorpio) fight the hardest battles with depression. Inevitably sometime in their life, it happens to them to fall prey to their demons lurking in the dark depths of their subconsciousness. What’s worse, it doesn’t happen only once, it’s cyclical! The irony is – those people are usually the ones that are the most humorous and cheerful; they have a great sense for humor, they pull the best practical jokes, alas, the burden in the form of Pluto in 1st house lurks in the dark and it bides its time. It waits for the slightest period of shadows to jump out from the dark and go straight for the jugular like a very skilled and ferocious vampire. This is especially pronounced in people who have Pluto in 1st house in Scorpio and Moon in Cancer. Although Moon in Cancer is in domicile, and it (supposedly) feels good there (so what? Pluto is in its domicile in Scorpio and it doesn’t give a flying fuck!) individuals who have these aspects drown in their own dark of their subconsciousness and in the depths of their own emotions. We, as the Pluto in Scorpio generation, are prone to dark themes, turmoil, constant transmutation and painful transformations on a collective level. When I draw parallels with the generation that came before us – Pluto in Libra, I get pissed; compared to us, their themes and topics seem like child’s play! What is that whole generation of Pluto in Libra doing – they transform public image – they change the face of justice, draw out corruption, foul play, and oppression of the underdog to the light of day. In one word: justice. They’re judges and jury, pish-posh! Bunch of them even came into fame, renown and recognition because they spoke out against people in power who abused their power. And we – Pluto in Scorpio generation, we got stuck in the sewers – it unsure whether we’re eating the rats, or the rats are eating us, anyway it feels like some ungodly circle of hell in which all of us are being cooked alive in our own feces. Now, beside these intensive and epically heavy topics, let’s add Moon in Cancer in certain individuals and let them implode. I’m not mocking Lunar Cancers, nor do I call them out right now, actually, I feel them, I feel them to the core and I feel overwhelmingly sorry. Because I, who have a Moon in Leo (let’s be real here, Moon in Leo is shit, because Leo is Sun’s domain, and Moon feels seared and minuscule in Leo because Leo is Sun’s shining child) have depression tendencies and manic-depression episodes when not only the world ends, but every form of existence loses its meaning. It’s so powerful and strong this Pluto in Scorpio that it can put a dark dent even unto the shiniest Moon. That’s why it’s imperative for us, on a generational level, to have a good therapist, to take seriously our mental (and emotional) health, because the most people I’ve met thus far who have taken their own life was right under this influence of Pluto (in the combination with Cancer Moon). When I think about it, objectively, I get goosebumps, not because I’m afraid of Death, nor because I consider dying a taboo, nor because death itself is such an unheard of, fatalistic concept, but because of the potential those people held in them. They had so much life, so much humor, so much wisdom, depth and potential, and despite all of that – they got snuffed out too early. Each of us has a role, each of us holds a piece of the cosmic puzzle that makes perfect sense when all the pieces come together. All of us have a part to play and a part to contribute to the grand(er) design of things, no matter how minute that “something” looked to us, all of us saved a life in one point in time, all of us were part of somebody else’s growth and development, each of us was a sun in someone’s life at one point or another – it sounds like mere counting of abstract ideas, but these are big things, things that make or break THE reality in the sea of possible realities. Our objectivity (and mind) is clouded on purpose – if we were aware of it we wouldn’t be able to move under the greatness and vastness of such responsibility resting on our shoulders. If we were aware of the fact that our every smile, every sigh, every word and step make permanent ripples in the fabric of our realities we would be unable to move, ever. That is the full weight of the Butterfly Effect, and with that knowledge and with that kind of perception do Lunar Cancers with Pluto in 1st house live every day. And it only gets worse, harder and heavier when the night falls. I grew up with the individual who had Pluto in 1st house (in Leo, though, but the 1st house is the 1st house) – that Pluto was a “suicide by cop”, only it wasn’t a cop and a steel gun, instead it was cancer and radioactive particles. Pride is Leo’s sin. Leo holds Lucifer’s symbolism in itself, and we all know that Lucifer’s “sin” was PRIDE. Maybe Pluto in Leo didn’t kill itself in a common way, because of its pride, but it did find a way to execute its own death. I’m absolutely familiar with the concept (not to say “sin”) of Pride, I have it in me, I carry it too. The catch with us – prideful individuals, is that no other can break us, but ourselves. Death over surrender. But it’s not healthy! That is not good! This Pluto in Leo individual healed over hundreds of young people, he was therapy and rock to everyone around him, the man was a fuckin samurai in the modern age, and he died like a fuckin samurai – from his own blade, blade dipped in pride – venom from his own heart. But there was so much more that he could’ve done, so many more people to help, and most importantly – to fulfil his own destiny and role till the end. He could’ve marked this reality as a collective success, not as his own personal failure. Alas… Pluto could be the smallest one in the Big League of the Nine, but even as small as he is, he is heavier than Saturn, more dangerous than Mars, and stronger than Jupiter. Only the Sun can defy him, and it has to be reinforced with crazy-good aspects and fortified with its domicile in order to fry and outshine all the dark and shadows of Pluto. Suma sumari dear people, don’t give up, and don’t give in! You with Pluto in 1st house, you with Moon in Cancer, you with Pluto in Scorpio – don’t give in! This is not you vs everyone battle, this is far worse – it’s you vs your own self. Don’t give in the fear of your own dark, don’t give in to your shadows, don’t give in to your demons – dive into the depths of your own dark lakes, dive until you’ve lost your breath, dive until you’ve touched and turned every stone on the lake’s bed, and until the time you resurface you’ll realize that you’re swimming in the most beautiful, clearest and majestic lake your eyes have seen – that’s YOU in your own full glory, shine and strength! Skal~