Spiritual Properties of Tarot

Tarot has seen a rise in popularity since the New Age movement has taken off with the upcoming age of Aquarius.

But, don’t be fooled, Tarot’s roots reach far back to 15th century Italy and has been used as both a magical, spiritual and divinatory tool for “quite some time” now.


Spiritual Properties of Tarot

Although Tarot was at first mostly used for fun (game of cards), soon its pictorial disposition found its way to the path of mysticism and the occult. It became a divination tool that made sense to those with the gifts of the medium.

But Tarot is much more than that. It’s not simply a tool used for divination, no. Tarot has a deeper dimension – practical use in magic.

The spiritual properties of the Tarot can be experienced through practical use in everyday rituals and meditations. Both Major and Minor Arcana have magical powers that can be utilized in elevating one’s spiritual state.

In the beginning, there were 3-5 variations in Tarot pictorial depictions, today, there are a plethora of decks to choose from. Some of the most famous decks are Rider-Waite, Crowley’s Thoth, Hidden Realm, Everyday Witch Tarot, Tarot Mucha, and Wildwood Tarot.

Choosing the deck that speaks most to you is very important for its imagery can influence the results; for spiritual and occult work it’s important to have exactly the image that speaks to your subconscious. That’s where the intuition comes in.


Spiritual Readings with Tarot

When doing spiritual readings, it’s important to keep the main feel of the card in mind. 5 of Pentacles might mean a love affair in a love reading and financial struggles in a monetary reading, but in spiritual reading, it can mean that your Heart chakra needs maintenance.

Every card turns into a higher meaning when a spiritual reading is done. This is why it’s important to live your Tarot deck – sleep with each card under your pillow for 78 nights, carry each of the cards in your pocket daily, do readings as often as you can – get a proper feel of the deck before you take it up a notch.

Spiritual readings can be excellent guidance on your spiritual path, and they can help you realize things about yourself from a higher perspective.

These readings can also be a great connection to your Higher Self, and the cosmic laws and forces that are at play beneath the visible fabric of reality.

Focusing on spiritual readings with the Tarot can have better and more prosperous benefits on the whole, in the long run. You just need to arm yourself with patience, consistency, and intuition.

Keeping an open mind and an open channel (Crown and 3rd Eye chakras) when working with the Tarot on a spiritual level is crucial. Your entire knowledge and experience of Tarot are going to get a deeper dimension and a higher meaning.



In order to the spiritual dimension of the Tarot closer to you, here’s a practical example of spiritual meaning and reading.

The Fool 0 is the first and opening card of the Tarot. It depicts a jolly person and a white dog, headed happily toward the edge of the cliff. It’s a sunny day and a cheerful atmosphere is depicted on this card.

The spiritual property of this card is “just trust”. This card’s message is to have faith in the higher power, inner workings of the universe, your higher self, yourself, your own powers, and strengths, and to retain faith even when all things look bleak.

Furthermore, the dog on the card can be your familiar/totem/co-walker getting in touch with you. The white dog is the opposite omen of the black dog. The white dog represents the fixed star Sirius – the dog star, and the star of luck located at 14° of Cancer in the constellation Canis Major.

In the spiritual sense, the Fool depicts a positive message. It's calling to your inner child, drawing it out, to the forefront of your mental state, the time has come for you to bring some positivity and faith into your life.

The spiritual message of this card is also nudging you to look around and realize that although you may look alone – you aren’t. Your ancestors, spirit guides, guardian angels, the Universe, and your totem all have your back. You are showered with spiritual gifts and support, and the Fool is drawing your attention to that aspect.

Carrying this card on you will help you on your way to spiritual balance and positive belief. Drawing this card in spiritual reading and keeping it on your altar can attract a positive genie of this card in order to help you open up your heart to divine support and interventions.


When you draw the Fool in a spiritual reading the message is clear – you need more faith. The cosmos is preparing a big journey for you and you’re going to need all the faith you can muster on it.

When this card shows up in a spiritual reading it’s implying that besides faith and trust in the universe, you need to pay more attention to the signs on the road and to listen to your intuition more.

This especially goes for people who have anxiety and tend to overthink even the smallest of occurrences. It is extremely important to stay true to oneself, one’s intuition, and inner guidance, especially in these hectic times.

The Fool is a clear message to you that your Higher Self is communicating with you, trying to draw your attention in a very direct way because you haven’t been listening lately, and you’ve fallen into needless suffering.

When the Fool shows up in a spiritual reading, it’s an omen of positive (although dramatic) change, and good luck following you on your path. Your only job is to believe in yourself and the universe because both have your back.


Tarot as a Spiritual Tool

Tarot can be used as a spiritual tool, too. If you feel cut off from the Source, or you feel like you’ve hit a bad spell and you can’t get out of a rut, you can take the Fool out of your deck, place it at the center of your altar and light a yellow candle in front of it.

You can do so for 6 consecutive days (or for as many as you feel the need to) and journal the changes that happen during this time. By “feeding” the card the flame from the yellow candle, you’re feeding your Solar Plexus chakra, inner child, and fortifying the connection between your human par and the Higher Self.

Every time you glance to your altar your subconscious will be reminded to work (subconsciously) on improving your trust and faith, and opening up for all the good things waiting to happen to you.

The card’s genie’s attention will also be drawn to you and your petition, and you’re likely to receive its help on your spiritual journey too. So all you need to do is just ask and you shall be given.

The spirits of the Tarot are mostly benevolent towards humans and want to help when their help is petitioned for. This is why the Tarot is an excellent spiritual tool, too.