With this blog, you get the necessary knowledge to form your rituals and manifestations for every New Moon throughout the year.
Just remember to observe the Moon’s aspects as well in order to make the most out of it.
This Major Arcana symbolizes the feminine archetype of motherly protection, nurture, and abundance. The Empress III is tied to cattle, the feminine principle, the feminine urge to nurture and grow (things, plants, beings), as well as finding peace in nature.
Astrocartography is the key to living your best life and ultimate form of happiness 🗝️
If my site was like my firstborn (Boromir vibes, anyone??), then Patreon is like my secondborn child (Faramir the gentle, Faramir the wise ^^) 😄 however, I am not Denethor II, and I do not favour one over the other, mind you. I love both of my "children" very much so and in different ways.
King of Wnds is one of the rare Minor Arcana cards that hold a similar power and importance as one of the Major Arcana.
As such, he is revered and most of the time very welcomed in a reading. But, as with any proper reading, it’s essential to see what kinds of cards (and messages) surround this fiery King, in order to grasp and tell the whole story.
New Moon is a powerful time of new beginnings and new ventures. In order to make the most out of each and every New Moon you need to see in which sign does it take place, and then take its aspects into careful consideration.
Either way, this blog can serve as a great inspiration for utilizing some of the powers of the New Moon through many of the Zodiac signs.