Existence is so full of wonder and wonderfully mysterious, that it’s almost unbelievable how much of life we take for granted.
If my site was like my firstborn (Boromir vibes, anyone??), then Patreon is like my secondborn child (Faramir the gentle, Faramir the wise ^^) 😄 however, I am not Denethor II, and I do not favour one over the other, mind you. I love both of my "children" very much so and in different ways.
King of Wnds is one of the rare Minor Arcana cards that hold a similar power and importance as one of the Major Arcana.
As such, he is revered and most of the time very welcomed in a reading. But, as with any proper reading, it’s essential to see what kinds of cards (and messages) surround this fiery King, in order to grasp and tell the whole story.