♀ entered ♌

It’s August, finally!

After the turbulent month of July that was filled with eclipses, Retrograding planets, emotional drama, reviewing of the past and painful break ups, we’re finally here - we’ve made it into the Leo season and the month of the mighty Sun ^◡^

Venus entered the powerful sign of Leo on July 27th and it will remain there until August 21st. With Venus in Leo love is magnificent and grand, and we are generous with our money, as well. This is a warmhearted, teasing, expressive, proud, and extravagant placement for Venus. Venus in Leo is forever stuck in the romance stage of a relationship. In Leo, she feeds on attention, acknowledgement, validation, and adoration. PDAs are more common while Venus is in Leo as she loves to be adored, pampered, and admired. Pride and passion are hallmarks of her cycle in Leo. We experience a strong ego investment in our love lives during this period, and that can definitely be seen through Instagram trending.

The one, small, negative expression of this placement is overstating our feelings simply for the effect, as well as extravagance. But apart from that, two squares to Uranus and Moon transits (through water signs ╥﹏╥) there are no challenging aspects in August, yeey! Even the Saturn-Pluto conjunction has loosened up! You should catch this wave of positivity and ride it like a boss.

During the first half of the month you should take a well-deserved break, many of you will book a flight to the seaside and rejuvenate both your bodies and minds. Thanks to the sparkly, uplifting Leo Δ Jupiter energy, August proves itself to be the best time of the year to have fun and enjoy simplicity of life.

In the second half of the month, the energy slowly shifts from the might Leo to hardworking and serving Virgo, and you can expect turn into a productivity machine (unless you’re lazy, in that case you can work on your discipline and self-realizing goals). In August, you will play hard and you will also work hard. The best thing about working hard is that it will feel like fun (shout-out to all my Capricornian workaholics!) Doing work and enjoying it? - Yes, it is possible in August even for people who’re not Virgos or Capricorns ─‿‿─). 

But let’s have a looksie at the most prominent aspects of the month:

On August 1st, Mercury finally goes direct at 23° Cancer. This Mercury Rx was more difficult than the usual Mercury Rx because he was inflamed by a prolonged conjunction with Mars (willpower, anger, aggression); their conjunction brought anger, resentment, and arguments. Also, because Mercury was Rx, it was a lot more difficult to put into words what we wanted; our minds and words (Mercury) found themselves in a combustive clash with our wants and needs (Mars) which in turn created even more frustration, resentment, and anger. Thankfully, all of that is over now. Phew _Ⓘ.Ⓘ_ Mercury is still recovering from a hammering ☍ to Pluto, but it’s slowly departing from the ‘crime scene’. Life will get better and better (finally ◠‿◠).

On August 1st we’ll have a New Moon at 8° Leo. The New Moon is ☌ Venus, ◻ Uranus, and Δ Jupiter. This is going to be a very optimistic, creative and uplifting New Moon ❂◡❂! I advise manifesting Rituals, attracting what you most need and want out of life currently. It’s a great time for sex magic, too❣ With passionate Leo Venus, you can come to some extraordinary results, especially if you combine it with the great Summer Solstice - Lughnasadh Sabbath that marks the beginning of the harvest season. Venus is now not only in the heart of the Sun but also in the heart of the Moon; we are one with Venus > heart, spirit, and soul beat as one. Right now, your feelings know the truth. The propitious Δ to Jupiter will make you feel that anything and everything is possible. You can go as high as you want, as far as you want, and if you need to change something on the way (New Moon ◻ Uranus) you will do it gracefully and without too much resistance. Your desire to grow is simply stronger than your fear of change right now, and you should get advantage of that ✯◡✯.

On August 2nd, 2019 Venus ◻ Uranus at 6° Taurus. In this face off Venus represents what we want, and Uranus stands for freedom. When Venus is ◻ Uranus, we want freedom. Freedom is a bit more than “I want to do what I want when I want”, freedom is not about being carefree and careless; remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Thus freedom is about taking full responsibility for who you are, for what you really want (and how bad you want it) and for what you stand. When you are true to yourself, to your values, freedom comes automatically. So take that responsibility in your hands, come up with solutions and take charge!

Between the 7th and the 8th, both Sun and Venus (which will be close to each other) are Δ Jupiter at 14° Sagittarius. This creates a social, enthusiastic and vibrant transit you should take advantage of (shout-out to all my introverts!) Make sure you get out of the house and see those people you care about ᵕ‿‿ᵕ

On August 11th, Mercury finally leaves Cancer for good and moves into Leo. Mercury has spent a lot of time in Cancer, and in the last couple of months, Mercury has been trying to find reason in emotions. It was not easy, especially not with Mars in the mix. But hopefully, the prolonged stay of Mercury in Cancer has helped us all to be more resilient and more objective about our emotions, especially in times of stress and pressure.  

On August 12th we have an auspicious transit: Jupiter turns direct at 14° Sagittarius, and Uranus turns retrograde at 6° Taurus. Every time a slow-moving planet changes direction, something about our lives changes too. You can expect a sudden ‘twist of fate’ – something unexpected can come your way; you can find that something you believed to be true is not that ‘true’ anymore. You have outlived it; but remember: when one door closes - another one opens. And fear not! I bet you will love the type of door Jupiter opens '◡'/

On August 15th a Full Moon happens at 22° Aquarius. This Full Moon in Aquarius will tightly ☍ Venus at 22° Leo. If Leo is the heart, Aquarius is the mind. As with any Full Moon, we work on both sides of the axis. On one hand, we have our values – the things we care for, no matter what, and on the other, the Full Moon comes to illuminate a higher truth, and puts things into perspective. Leo’s heart without Aquarius’ mind is reckless, and Aquarius’ mind without Leo’s heart is dangerous. But when we pull our heart and mind together, we are unstoppable. So make sure that you use that Full Moon in harmony and combine forces instead of dividing among yourselves and fighting. ☍ is a constant struggle, I know, this aspect is here to challenge us, but with the challenges there are opportunities for growth and level up, so make sure not to waste this opportunity. Do a Ritual of unification, purify the negative patterns and thoughts, banish evil and welcome in the positive light.

On 16th of August Mercury ◻ Uranus and with it comes our resistance to change. No matter how open-minded we are, we all resist it. And if there is a planet that wants change at all costs, that’s Uranus. Mercury ◻ Uranus in fixed signs is one of those ‘stubborn’ transits. Mercury rules our thoughts – not to be confused with our beliefs (which are ruled by Jupiter); our thoughts are easier to change thanks to a process called “brain plasticity”. This ◻ creates an opportunity to change something about the way you see the world. Write down your thoughts, practice mindfulness, or have a healthy debate with a friend. The idea is to become aware of your thoughts and of where the resistance is coming from, which will, ultimately, lead you to the answer.

On August 18th we observe the beginning of the change of the season: Mars enters Virgo. On August 21st, Venus follows and enters Virgo, and finally two days later on the 23rd Sun enters Virgo. The energy shift will be palpable and real, if Leo lit a fire in your heart, now you’re ready to use it. And there’s no better sign than Virgo to help you turn the creative fire of Leo into something of value, into something that others can benefit from too - Virgo.

On August 24th Venus ☌ Mars at 4° Virgo. Venus and Mars are the two faces of one coin, and they meet up in a conjunction once every two years starting a new relationship cycle. They represent the opposite poles of a magnet. They attract each other, and as a result of their passion, something new comes into existence. Whether is a new life, a new relationship, or a new business venture, Venus ☌ Mars is a cosmic ‘go-ahead’ to get your creative juices flowing. If you have planets around 4° Virgo, this upcoming Venus-Mars cycle will impact you especially. And even if you don’t have any planets in Virgo, the conjunction will still take place in one of the houses of your chart and that is where you can ‘birth’ something new ^▽^.

Finally, on August 29th, Mercury joins the Virgo club. He’s a bit late to the party but catching up fast. And that’s great because there’s no other place in the zodiac where Mercury feels so good. Indeed, Mercury in Virgo is the only planet that is both in domicile and in exaltation in the same sign – Virgo. No matter what your Mercury sign is, Mercury in Virgo will favor any type of intellectual pursuit. Not only will you express and perceive the world like a Virgo (Sun), take action like a Virgo (Mars) and manage your finances and emotional life like a Virgo (Venus), now you will think like a Virgo, too!

On August 30th we come to a new cycle with New Moon at 6° Virgo. This New Moon is completely under the Virgo energy influence because there will be 5 personal planets in Virgo, which is not common. The New Moon in Virgo is a fantastic New Moon which forms a Grand Earth Δ with Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn in Capricorn. Earth is a ‘make it happen’ element, and Virgo is the sign of the harvest. When you want to manifest something in your life, you don’t turn to dreamy Neptune aspects, no, instead, you go to a “make-it-happen” Mercury and Mars aspects; that’s why that New Moon in Virgo is a great time for beginnings that need a Virgo-make-it-happen realistic vibe. And this is an especially ‘manifesting’ New Moon, thanks to the positive aspects to the other Earth signs. 

What a way to finish the month! One day later, on September 1st, Sun will ☌ Mars, starting a new synodic Mars cycle. After an amazing New Moon, the Hero’s journey begins.

And we have Mabon to look forward to! ⍲‿⍲