Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer on July 2nd

This New Moon is particularly vital because it’s the midpoint of a two-year series of eclipses on the ♋️/♑️ axis happening between July 2018 and July 2020. 
These family-and-goal-oriented eclipses will re-calibrate our work-life balance. Falling in the “masculine” sign of ♑️ and the “feminine” sign of ♋️, they’re sure to bring more awareness to the issues of families, career and overall tribal existence. 
Tomorrow we'll experience conjunction between 🌑 and ☀️, thus temporarily disconnecting us from our sense of reality. 
Whether we like it or not, we'll get submerged into the moody waters of ♋️ and we'll get to touch down on strong emotional issues that we kept buried within. The Solar Eclipse is only amplifying all that, so expect a storm of emotions, sudden breakups, and sudden beginnings. The chances are that you'll feel the full effects of this eclipse on July 16th when the Lunar Eclipse in ♑️ occurs; only then will you be able to decipher fully what the Universe has in store for you, and what messages you were receiving meant. 
This planetary event will hit us all, but the ones who'll feel it the most are ♋️,♌️, and ♑️. 
Since I'm optimistic ♐️, I focus on the good things, and in my witchy book, it's always good when it's 🌘 since it's the best time for new beginnings and making wishes. 
Ritually we celebrate Esbats always, and I get to prepare a New Moon Ritual; we raise the positive energies, focus our will, and send our intentions into the Universe🌌 ^_^
This time around we'll work with the Hermit Tarot Card, we'll invoke Hecate and celebrate the Dark Moon; it's time for traveling within, contemplating inner feels and emotions, connecting the dots and healing all the wounds. 
I suggest you take a deep look in yourself, travel to the place where your Soul resides, heal your inner kid, give yourself space and time to recuperate and reconnect with people who you need in your life.🐛
Blessed be guys and good hunting 🦇