Moon in the Houses

Moon in the 1st house: gives the native round, emotionally expressive and open face. These natives usually have fair skin and light eyes; hair bares the golden tints no matter the overall color. No matter the sign in which the Moon finds itself, if it’s in the 1st house, the native will express his/her emotions openly.

Or rather, the native won’t be able to control the output of emotional expression. With the Moon in the 1st house, our inner nature, inner impulses and drives that ride our will are at the forefront of our personality. Natives with the Moon in the 1st house wear their hearts on their sleeves, but they are easily hurt. Heavy words and harsh tones with which the words are delivered wound them especially.

But they are true to their own nature, they remain true to their own hearts and desires despite all, and that is something rare and commendable. That alone deserves and demands respect.

Moon in the 2nd house: these natives need financial (material) security in order to feel safe. Their emotions are tied to their financial stability and materialistic success. They express their emotions through gifts and cooking. Their homes contain luxurious items and are very nicely arranged.

There’s a strong need to be in a nice-looking space for these natives. They are like Smaug (the dragon) – they will arrange their interior in rich colors and surround themselves with wealth, which might even extend to keeping the company of wealthy people. These natives also like to tend to their bodies; the body is the temple of the soul, and these natives took that to heart. Their bodies, regardless of their shape, will look and feel luxurious.

They like to wear pleasant fabrics that agree with their skin, jewelry, gold, jewels, glitter, watches and nice purses. They express their emotional state through their look – their outfits are the outlet for their feelings, but somehow they always manage to look like million bucks.

Moon in the 3rd house: natives decompress their emotions through speech and communication. These are the natives you find on the internet in the long comments on YouTube, blog posts that bring a tear to your eye and long photo descriptions on Instagram.

These natives have telepathic abilities and are able to pick up on the emotions of others without any words. This is ironic since they like using words to express (their own) emotions. For these natives, it’s important to find partners that are able to communicate their emotions, because these natives find food for their hearts in honest conversations.

They value the power of words, both written and uttered, and they feel loved when the love expressed for them is phrased uniquely and beautifully. Natives with the Moon in the 3rd house have a knack for words, indeed, and they can be inspirational writers that express deepest emotions in a very practical and intelligent way. These natives can offer great intellectual support and can help with the disentanglement of the most intricate emotional problems.

Moon in the 4th house: natives are very invested and eternally connected with their roots and their family. They find security in their homes surrounded by their loved ones. It can be very devastating for a 4th house Moon native to have come from a broken home, or to have grown up in an unstable family environment. These people are very emotional, caring, and moody.

They have quick mood swings, they are very nostalgic, sometimes bordering with melancholy, and they remember the past very clearly and very well. Like elephants – they have long memories and are haunted by happier moments, they always look back and reminisce about the times past. The key to happiness for these natives is to create a happy and stable family of their own.

To build a secure base where they will retreat to charge their batteries and create new happy memories for their memory fort. Despite their emotional and sensitive nature, these natives are very mature and offer stable support to their loved ones.

Moon in the 5th house: these natives can be a bit egotistical. They are the life of the party, and if they are in a good mood they can enhance the atmosphere of the entire room (or a theatre, since these natives are more often than not performers and entertainers of some kind). But, they are very selfish in their emotions, they require constant reassurance that they are admired and loved, they want applause for everything they do and they desire to be celebrated wherever they go.

Unlike the natives of the 4th house, natives of the 5th house Moon are very unstable in their emotions, they will last in a relationship for as long as they find amusement and excitement in the relationship. Once they lose interest or feel that the power of the praise they receive has waned – they will move on to “greener” pastures.

These natives instinctually seek environments where they feel good and where they can relax and be their crazy selves. They like to party and celebrate things, even the smallest achievements or successes are cause enough for them to create a grand atmosphere with a lot of pomp and fanfare. They are certainly fun to be around, and they can make any dull moment or event seem like it’s something special and magical.

Moon in the 6th house: natives crave daily stability. They are of serious nature when their emotions are concerned. Their emotions once awakened never wane and endure through time. Like a mountain, or a large rock at the seaside – their emotions and devotion will endure time, weather and circumstances, and they never forget their loved ones, they always remember and carry that memory in their hearts throughout their days.

Wherever they go, whatever they do, these natives will seem composed, busy and thoroughly engaged in their daily lives. Like machines – they will work, exercise, eat healthy meals, offer support and advice to others, sleep and even find the time to relax a bit and have fun, but they will never, not even for one moment, stop feeling the love and loyalty for those that managed to touch their hearts.

These natives won’t be big on large/expensive presents, but they will offer constant, unyielding emotional support and loyalty to their loved ones. They are also known for writing very romantic and sappy love letters (sometimes even novels) that they keep hidden.

This is not a call for you to go through their things, but don’t be surprised if you manage to stumble on a very mysterious-looking diary one day, and flipping through its worn pages you find that YOU are the object of deep affection and grandiosely depicted emotions on the pages of some such journal.

Moon in the 7th house: these natives need to learn to live for themselves a bit. Just a bit. They find their security and balance in others – their partners. These are the natives that are most likely to use the phrase “you complete me”. Because they do, feel incomplete without you.

They need the presence of another human being by their side in order to feel whole and to feel functional. They are the perfect partners, they will focus all their energy and stamina on being the perfect teammate. They are a true team player, and your relationship is the winning team, or so they want it to be.

They will do everything in order for your team to succeed, to be on the top of your game, and thrive harmoniously. They crave harmony within their relationship structure, and they need balance. If they find themselves in a malfunctioning relationship or marriage they can become very miserable and lonely. They can avert having affairs in order to feel the void in their chest that was left by the misunderstanding and coldness within the relationship.

These natives should conquer their fear of being alone, for they can thrive on their own very well, or they should choose their partners very carefully and with much thought. 

Moon in the 8th house: these natives have the need to possess their loved ones. These are the natives that will go for couples’ tattoos, matching jewelry and sharing passwords for their phones/PCs. They express their emotions through carnal pleasures very well, they are quite creative when it comes to gifts and are somewhat dangerous in their devotion.

If you are flaky and emotionally unstable you should steer clear of individuals with the Moon in the 8th. They participate in love tales that last lifetimes, there is something fatalistic and Armageddonish in their love. These natives have fire in their bellies and their love comes from the deep crevices of their soul, you can see it in their eyes, falling in love with these natives is not for the faint of heart.

If you happened to die first, ie before them, they would really take that to heart and probably wouldn’t forgive you. They would probably eat your heart or preserve another part of you to remain with them always or at least until the end of their days. These people don’t forgive and they certainly don’t forget, bear that in mind when you engage with them.

Moon in the 9th house: these natives love freedom and open road above all else. They resemble wild horses, and as long as they remain wild you will find magic in them. These natives love to sleep under the stars, see landscapes that their eyes have never seen before, they love to conquer tall mountains and swim in crystal clear yet deep lakes.

They are in love with adventure, fresh air, talks that go deep into the night, open roads, sturdy boots and large cars. If they manage to acquire a bus-house or house on wheels – that is as far as you can get to “settle” with them. But if you do, manage to be invited to “settle” with them in their house on wheels, you should consider yourself extremely lucky and honored – you’ve managed to catch your wild horse without taming it, thus your relationship will preserve the magic that these natives carry within them, and you will get to participate in the wildest adventures and journeys that will amount to a life well lead and properly lived.

These natives express their emotions by sacrificing themselves for parts of their freedom for their partners. But beware not to ask too much of them, for if they sacrifice too big a part of themselves you will fall out of love with them, for they will stop being themselves.

Moon in the 10th house: these natives are goal-driven. The public life calls to them and they, in most cases, answer back. There’s a beat in their hearts that calls for great achievements, recognition and prestige. Like they chose how to climb to the top, same they chose partners who will reign from the top with them.

These natives need someone who is able to support them without standing in their way. They need someone who understands them without many words, and someone who looks their best whenever the opportunity calls for it. If you help them climb to the top, stay loyal to them and feed their need to achieve great things, they will be loyal to you, they will drag you with them into the spotlight and you will feel the force of their gratitude strongly.

These natives are most susceptible to being changed by fame and power, but their Moon will not let them forget people who stood by them when they were at the beginning of their journey, so if all else fails, you can count on that.

Moon in the 11th house: now, these natives are the ones most likely to fall for their friends. These natives get to experience that wonderful love called “the power of friendship”. They are usually the last to realize that they’ve fallen for their best friend, while everyone around them has seen it from a mile, way back. 11th house Moon natives are loyal, friendly, warm, great team players and they know how to make the relationship within group work and how to tend to everyone’s needs.

The only problem is that they forget about their own needs and their own heart, which is why it takes them such a long time to realize that they are in love, and even longer that they need to do something about it. These natives are magnificent souls, they are unselfish, caring and above all – great friends. Have mercy, whatever you do – don’t betray them, it will sting like two knives – one for their heart, and the other one, the bigger one – for your friendship.

Don’t engage with these individuals if your intentions or your heart are impure, leave them be, and leave them happy. Let them make happy someone who deserves it because they deserve it. Good people with good hearts.

Moon in the 12th house: natives don’t have it easy. Their own emotions are hidden from them. Buried deep in their subconsciousness and dreams. These natives are very romantic, and dreamy but often flaky for they are unsure of their own emotions. There’s a process with these people, and the process is unstable and foggy and no one knows what it may conjure up on the hero’s journey.

Their heart’s path is hidden from them, so they have to go into their dreams to seek it. These natives find the truth about their own emotions in the silence of their minds and solace spent in the fantasy worlds. They are most likely to realize that they are in love as they are meditating, gazing at the pink sunset, or while they are watching their favorite movie.

They experience a lot of telepathic emotions; they have the gift of empathy which furthermore confuses their own emotions. That’s why they need solace in order to disentangle their own emotions from others and to see what is theirs and what belongs to someone else. They feel bad when they realize that they have been wrong about their emotions, there’s a lot of remorse and grief woven into their hearts, which is why they need a lot of time alone to summarize all that they have seen, felt and experienced.

And that’s why they also need someone who understands their need for withdrawal and someone who is stable and secure enough in their own emotions to let them have that without fuss.