In today’s modern world many people suffer from feeling drained, fatigued, weak and stripped from power. And most of us blame it on the ‘excess’ of technology. But it’s more than spending time with devices that emit EMF.
Sometimes, contrary to our intuition and gut feeling, we spend time with toxic people, bad company, energy leeches, and people who don’t have the best wishes for our well-being in their hearts.
In order to protect ourselves from such people and some such phenomena, we’ll give you a couple of ways in which you can fortify your well-being against psychic attacks.
First and foremost is the hardest one – set healthy boundaries and take responsibility for your own life, time and how you spend it. If you believe that no foul magic and intentions can touch you – you have already protected yourself in the most formidable way possible. You don’t allow any negative effects, evil wishes or energy drains to come near you or influence you. They are drawing blanks against you, their work is powerless.
Next, if you recognize that someone has a bad influence on your mood and gives you bad vibes, ill thoughts and a lousy atmosphere, then the logical next step is to cut that person off from your life and remove that black hole of an energy field from your radar. Once you’ve done that – your work is basically done – you’ve created a purified environment for yourself and your manifestations to thrive.
Next on the list, we have Obsidian, Black Onyx, Labradorite and Tiger’s Eye. All of these crystals are perfect protection crystals and negate any effects from the Evil Eye. Carry them on your person, place them beneath your pillow, on your work desk and in your bag.
Mix Lavender essential oil with boiled salted water, put it in a spray bottle and let it cool. Mix it before each spraying and use it to spray around yourself and in your dwelling space. Lavender has many calming, healing and purifying benefits, and salt water (sea water) clears any malevolent presences and spirits, it sends them away. You can use this mixture to elevate your mood and improve your sleep, too.
Get a silver safety pin and put it head down on your curtain, you can do this with all of your curtains in the house, and you can place it below the doormat in front of your door. If you notice that your safety pin has turned black or it looks rusted – you will know that someone is trying black magic on you. In the case that happens, remove all blackened/rusted safety pins, and replace them with new ones, the old ones gather in one paper bag, carry them outside, far from your home, and bury them beneath the roots of a tree. Try to find an old oak, yew or birch tree. Bring some cookies and cream with you to leave as an offering to the tree and land spirits.
Get a hold of a dark (wooden) pencil, get a red sharpener and sharpen the black pencil with a red sharpener. Once you’ve done that use the pencil to draw a Pentagram on a blue piece of paper. Inside the pentagram write your own name, or your magical name (in Wicca people have magical names for fortified protection), fold it five times and place it under the heaviest stone you can find in your garden. If you don’t have a garden, then find the heavy stone and place it in the biggest plant pot you have. Do this every six months on a Full Moon. Discard the previous paper by burying it deep into the ground far away from your home or by throwing it in the river or ocean (but make sure that the paper you wrote on is organic).
Place a cup with salt and a cup with seawater on your altar or near your bedpost. Change the salt and the water every 7 days during the Mars or Jupiter hour (there’s an app ‘planetary hours’ that can help you with this one). You can bless both the salt and seawater with your Athame if you wish.
Bindrune for protection – create a personalized Bindrune for protection and keep it under your pillow, on your person, or around your neck. Get a piece of flat wood, or a flat stone (whichever material calls out to you the most), use red paint, or a knife or a pyrograph to etch the Bindrune into the material of your choice. Runes that are perfect for protection are Thurisaz, Eihwaz, Algiz, Tiwaz and Jera. Play around with them, mix them, create a Bindrune that is visually appealing to you and use the Runes that call out to you the most.
This one you can do if you’re over 18, or if you have your parents’ consent. Tattoo a Pentagram in the Sun, or Hamsa, or a Bindrune you created personally for yourself and for the purpose of protection and keeping its meaning a secret. This will keep you protected at all times and will avert all minor ill wishes and evil eyes cast upon you.
Place Odal (Othala/Othila) Rune over your door. If you can get your hands on the forged-from-iron Odal it would be best. If not, if you are going to make it yourself from the material you find the best fitting, then don’t forget to dedicate it to a specific purpose of protection and place offerings before it, before you position it over your entrance door.
Black salt; crush dried eggshells into a fine powder, collect the incense dust or crush charcoal into a fine powder, add sea salt and mix it all well. The quantity of the mixture depends on your needs. Are you going to carry a bit of it in your pocket, in a small bottle in your bag, or are you going to sanctify the circle around your bed or around your house with it? The amount depends on you entirely. But this is an excellent protective device that will prove to be an obstacle to the evil-wishers and illest of intentions.
Whatever you chose from this list, may luck follow you on your path and may only true friends and best wishes and intentions remain by your side.
Blessed be!