Planets conjunct your Ascendant

Sun conjunct AC: this aspect provides qualities necessary for rulers. Kings and presidents are born with this aspect in the natal chart, and certainly, being born at dawn makes one noticeable. People with this aspect personify the heat and life-bringing energy of a sunrise.

They shine, they seduce and they are easily noticed wherever they go. These natives are blessed with a bright personalities and an open path to the top. This aspect makes its natives feel cozy and natural under a spotlight, they are born achievers and stars.

To them, popularity comes naturally, and being a celebrity is a natural life path. This aspect makes them aware of their importance, influence and personal power. It’s a very beneficial aspect for its bearers, it can definitely lead them to the top.

Moon conjunct AC: these natives are very moody, sometimes even withdrawn. They have sensitive emotions and are easily hurt by harsh words and unkind actions stemming from others. These natives don’t necessarily hide their emotions, but they prefer to stay at a safe distance since their hearts are easily hurt and swayed.

This aspect provides for a caring and empathetic nature and depending on the sign in which this aspect occurs, natives can’t contain their emotional reaction very well. They wear their heart on their sleeve, but they try their best to remain unharmed, too.

These natives have good relationships with women, and with men, they prefer sensitive types. They also have a good predisposition for parenthood as it’s in their nature to care and love.

Venus conjunct AC: this aspect blesses with beautiful body and soul. These natives are sexually and aesthetically pleasing, they are also warm, very friendly and affectionate. These natives avoid aggression and chaotic environments, they prefer to find themselves in calm and well-mannered situations.

This aspect gives them social popularity and high status, too. Finding a caring and loving partner is very important for them. They prosper and feel best when they are in a romantic and loving relationship. This aspect brings the need for luxuries, riches, poetry and fine jewelry, too.

With it comes a great need for harmony, comfort and ease in life. These natives are happiest when they can find themselves in a cozy environment with a loving and romantic partner in their arms. 

Mars conjunct AC: this aspect gives driven and combative nature. These natives have a need to be right and to come out on top at all times. This is not an easy aspect for relationships and for peaceful encounters. But, at least, they get things done, and they are very loyal friends.

They may come as overbearing and hyperactive to others, but they are capable of starting things and making them move from the ground. Very handsome individuals, good athletic build, passionate and fast. They have a keen sense of adventure and they can create exciting situations wherever they go.

This aspect needs a lot of stimulation and activity, they despise boredom and will stay away from people who lean toward the calm side of the spectre of human nature.

Jupiter conjunct AC: this aspect blesses its bearers with a lot of personal freedom and room for growth with little to no restraints. This aspect blesses with optimism, generosity and many talents. These natives enjoy open and honest relationships and easy-going circumstances.

Their nature is relaxed and sometimes even laid back because they are used to having open doors and a lot of opportunities wherever they go. There’s a strong moral code in these natives, and they also have a philosophical and religious streak in them. If they abandon their moral code of honor, they have the potential to be successful even in evil deeds.

Since Jupiter enlarges everything it touches, they should be wary of overeating.

Saturn conjunct AC: this aspect gives serious nature, maturity, and responsible behavior. It also gives a lot of restrictions and lessons since childhood. It’s not an easy aspect, but it brings a lot of rewards later in life with it. These natives are quite shy and conservative in nature.

They are overburdened with responsibility from a young age, they feel responsible for their family, for problems that are not their fault, and for the future. This all starts when they are still quite young so they grow up firm and unyielding. They are the parent of the friend group and they come prepared wherever they might go.

They often think of others before themselves, and they have a tendency toward worrying and anxiety. Relaxing massages, swimming and spending time with animals or children can be very beneficial for their souls and soothing for their nerves.

Uranus conjunct AC: this aspect gives electric energy to its bearers with a streak of nervousness and creative genius. These natives are very free-spirited, unpredictable, have a wild glint in their eyes and there’s always something going on in their minds.

Uranus gives experimental and rebellious traits to these natives, and trouble often finds them. They are subject to sudden and unpredictable changes throughout their life, and they are among very few who know how to ride a wave of change.

They thrive in chaos and can make the most out of unpredicted and wild situations. They are great with their hands, they know how to fix things and they can work with electricity easily. They are freedom fighters and they want to see the world changed for the better during their lifetime.

Neptune conjunct AC: this aspect makes for sensitive, creative and caring individuals. These are gentle souls with a lot of gifts to share with the world. This aspect blesses its natives with a very different outlook on the world than the rest of the people.

They read the things, situations and bigger picture between the lines and can offer amazing insights into many things. But, for them it’s not all a walk in the park; being stuck between a harsh reality of the world and the sensitive spiritual plane is not an easy walk.

These natives can become amazing mediums, spiritual guides and life coaches. They have what it takes to inspire and encourage others, and they have a plethora of psychic gifts that exceed human limitations. They should take good care of themselves and preserve tight spiritual hygiene.

Pluto conjunct AC: this aspect makes for very deep and complex individuals. They are not what meets the eye, and there’s always more to find out and explore with them. Gifted with ferocious intensity, sharp intuition and intellectual depths.

These natives undergo constant struggles for power in their personal relationships, they are either too bossy or they get dominated, which they cannot bear as they perceive it as a loss of control. There’s always a part of them that desires to be in power and to dominate over others, so being their close one is not very easy.

They can be very domineering, intense and possessive. But, these natives are excellent psychologists and they have the necessary aptitude to help others go through painful changes and transformations and achieve healing of the soul.