Find a suitable safety pin of your choice (but the simple, metallic one is the best).
Once you have it (it could be useful to keep a bundle of them in one place, in a metal jar stashed away) pass it over a white-candle flame, or smudge it either with incense or with smudgestick of your choice (white sage is my go-to).
As you pass the safety pin over the flame/smoke say:
"your task is to protect me from hexes, jinxes or curses that are directed my way, as you repel the bad from me, into the ground send it thee!"
After you say the spell, you should blow out the flame and place the safety pin HEAD DOWN on the inside of your clothes. You can place it on the garment that you wear the most (like a jacket, your favorite sweater, bra or a scarf, just make sure its pinned head down).
If you want to protect your home from negative forces, people, ill-will wishers, or just usual bad juju - place the safety pin (head down) on your entrance door, or at the bottom of your current curtain.
If you opt for this you should say:
"as the sharp needle passes through wax, so does all malice, envy and wrath pass through the pin into the ground to perish without a sound" repeat it 3x as you place the pin.
If the safety pin that you're wearing (or have placed upon a door/curtain) goes dark your should throw it away (preferably bury it in the ground outside of your home/garden) and replace with a new one. If you find an unfamiliar safety pin in your home you need to burn it in the fire.
Stay blessed, stay safe and protect yourself and yours.
Blessed be!